Care for some cheese with that whiskey? (Venissimo)
Food & Beverage, North Park
Booze and Cheese Strike Sexy Matches in North Park
By Frank Sabatini Jr.
Forget wine and cheese. We already know they pair swimmingly without having to give them much thought. But when it comes to beer and cheese, and whiskey and cheese, the matchmaking gets a little trickier.
Leave it to the folks at Venissimo, who have called upon their trusty experts for holding two separate classes in the pairings of each; one at the company’s North Park cheese shop inside Bottlecraft, and the other at Seven Grand whiskey bar. Both classes will be held Dec. 10, at 6:00p and 7:00p respectively.
The class at Bottlecraft will focus on four different cheeses paired to four types of beer. The cost is $55. At Seven Grand, it will be five cheeses to five whiskeys for a price of $60. We can’t think of money better spent this year by home entertainers intent on knocking the socks off their holiday guests.