Rendering of East Village Green (City of San Diego)
Outdoor park, East Village
‘East Village Will Become Home to a Pretty and Pricey Park’
By Frank Sabatini Jr.
Initial construction has begun on East Village Green, a 4.1-acre park that will encompass a two-level community center, public art elements, a central lawn, a performance pavilion, and more. Bounded by F, G, 13th, and 15th streets, the urban park comes with an initial price tag of $52 million.
Assuming plans stay on track, completion of the park and its surrounding interconnected greenways is slated for fall of 2023. Once finished, the city’s Parks and Recreation Department will absorb operational fees.
Community planners say the park is an essential amenity to the ever-growing East Village, which the City of San Diego estimates will ultimately become home to 46,000 residents as nearby mixed-use projects continue being built. Some of them include the 22-story Radian Apartments and an 87-unit mixed-use housing structure called Framework.