Downtown Condo Guys

This type of open-street cycling in our neighborhoods will continue to diminish. (Mubaik Cycling)
Cycling, SANDAG, Golden Hill

Safe Cycling Through Golden Hill

By Frank Sabatini Jr.

Construction is on track for a SANDAG bikeway that will afford cyclists safer journeys from North Park through precarious Golden Hill and onward to Downtown—and vice versa.

The two-way lanes will stretch for 2.3 miles, starting at the intersection of Utah and Landis streets and running south along Utah, until connecting onto busy Pershing Drive at Upas Street. From there, the path will continue through Balboa Park on Pershing before skirting through Golden Hill, and finally arriving at C Street downtown.

The project comes at a cost of $13.4 million and is a component of SANDAG’s Regional Bike Network.

In addition to the “buffered bike lanes,” the design will include paths for walkers, ensuring “safer and more convenient pedestrian and biking conditions for people of all ages and abilities,” according to project engineers. The project is expected to be completed in mid-2024.