Valet Market rendering (PRnewswire)
Technology | East Village
High-Tech Market Coming to East Village
By Frank Sabatini Jr.
Say farewell to checkout lines and credit card readers at Valet Market, a 24/7 grocer due to open by early July on the ground floor of Vantage Pointe luxury apartments.
The East Village newcomer will allow the public to shop and pay for goods without a cashier in sight, thanks to contact-less technology by Accel Robotics.
After downloading an app, products such as locally sourced produce, eggs, dairy, breads and other staples are automatically tallied when plucked from the store’s “smart shelves.” Customers will immediately receive itemized bills on their Smartphones, and the total is then deducted from their linked bank or credit card accounts.
The 1,500-square-foot market takes over a revamped space inside the building that previously housed a convenience store and a doggie daycare.